
SFF Book Club on Mastodon

Donations for the Mastodon SFFBookClub

Mastodon_SFFBookClub riceve 0,00 USD a settimana da 0 donatori.
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This fund accepts contributions toward purchases of books for the Mastodon #sffbookclub that would-be participants might not otherwise be able to afford.

I am seeding the account with a recurring monthly contribution. The more donors we have, the better this will work. If you can afford even a couple of dollars or euros a month, please consider doing so.

If you want to participate but need a donation to afford that month's club selection, contact me via Mastodon DM @ naga @ and I will make arrangements to get the book to you out of account funds. I will keep the request private.

Character references available.


Mastodon_SFFBookClub si è iscritto/a 6 anni fa.

Guadagni settimanali (in dollaro statunitense)

Numero di donatori ogni settimana