
Ajinkya Goyal

I pull stories from the dark and twisted crevices of my mind to entertain and enthrall

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Hello, I’m Ajinkya. I write stuff and toss ’em onto the web to fend for themselves, and, you know, hopefully not die. There are a lot of short stories, as well as the occasional article on the craft itself.

I’m about ninety percent sure they’re going to come back to haunt me in a few year’s time. But for now, I’d like to thank you for visiting my corner of the internet.

Unlike a lot of other writers, I’m not going to pretend like I have some sort of underlying mission with my work. I like telling stories and I’ve found that I have a way with words. Thus, I write. Simple as. My stories don’t have any subliminal message and they don’t try to make you a better person through some convoluted lesson - I just want to entertain and enthral you.

While Medium does pay its writers, my geographical location is not supported, but I still rather like the idea of earning through my writing. Hence, Liberapay.

Note: If you rather make a one-time donation, simply don't renew your donation when the time comes.

Thank you!

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ajinkyagoyal si è iscritto/a 4 anni fa.

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