

FreeRay is a free collection of 3D objects for POV-Ray, also I have games and animations.

L'obiettivo di juegosenlazaruscr è quello di ricevere 1.000,00 USD a settimana.
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I am the author of almost all in FreeRay, that is a free collection of 3D objects (more than one hundred and fifty). Furthermore, you can download some free or commercial games of mine in itch.io or my own site.

FreeRay is a free collection of 3D objects. Portada FreeRay intends to supply POV-Ray users and relative software, an additional library to many libraries they can find in the WEB.

Jesus and Marie bless you

Profili collegati

juegosenlazaruscr possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


juegosenlazaruscr si è iscritto/a 5 anni fa.

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