

Coffee for Aardwolf Developers

BanjoFox ha 0 donatori.


Hi all!

I am creating this account because people want to contribute to the Aardwolf project but don't necessarily know how. While I would much prefer other forms of contribution (documetation, code, testing, ideas, etc.) my developers might want to buy a coffee or three once in a while.

In all honesty I do not need this for myself, and I will distribute any, and all funds to the rest of the team. No really... I would just spend it on hookers, and baccarat (screw blackjack). So yeah.

This is to buy -them- a coffee, or supplies or other stuff they might need. They're doing the heavier lifting IMO :D

Much love,


Profili collegati

BanjoFox possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


BanjoFox si è iscritto/a 6 anni fa.

Guadagni settimanali (in dollaro statunitense)

Numero di donatori ogni settimana