
Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

An Anarcho-syndicalist Union cntlaspalmas.org

CNTLasPalmas riceve 0,00 € a settimana da 0 donatori.
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The CNT is, today, the only union in the Spanish State totally independent of political guidelines, in which those who decide are affiliated workers and not a committee of trade unionists, who renounces State and Employer financing to maintain its economic independence, and that does not leave negotiations in the hands of intermediaries.

An Anarcho-syndicalist Union, where we organize workers as equals, to defend ourselves against labor and social aggressions; in which we are ourselves, without executive committees, liberators, or leaders, who decide on our own problems and aspirations.

CNT Las Palmas have been working since 2008. We keep several trade union disputes open. Some of them have involved a lot of sanctions and economic damages for our affiliates, in the form of retaliation by the company. This is the case of the Hotel Avenida de Canarias.

If you want to support the workers' struggles of our small union and help us maintain our economic stability in the struggle for the defense of the interests of the workers, we encourage you to contribute to our resistance box.

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CNTLasPalmas si è iscritto/a 3 anni fa.

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