

FreshRSS riceve 25,07 € a settimana da 56 donatori.
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FreshRSS is a self-hosted RSS feed aggregator, with a friendly community.

It is lightweight, easy to work with, powerful, and customizable.

It is a multi-user application with an anonymous reading mode. It supports custom tags. There is an API for (mobile) clients, and a Command-Line Interface.

Thanks to the WebSub standard (formerly PubSubHubbub), FreshRSS is able to receive instant push notifications from compatible sources, such as Mastodon, Friendica, WordPress, Blogger, FeedBurner, etc.

Finally, it supports extensions for further tuning.

More information on GitHub


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FreshRSS possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


FreshRSS Preferiti 8301 Aggiornato questa settimana

A free, self-hostable news aggregator…

freshrss.org Preferiti 68 Aggiornato 2 mesi fa

Official website of FreshRSS


FreshRSS si è iscritto/a 5 anni fa.

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