

Lifestyle/Bloger , self taught Artist, DIY entusiast , Amature Photographer and Model

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Thank you for clicking on my page. My name is Ivy. A student with Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (HEDS) and I have a fiery passion for everything I do in my life. I am self-taught in almost everything I do, from modelling and photography skills to DIY, Painting in various mediums and sewing. I believe that if you want to learn something, then it's up to you to take the challenge on and chase your interests and dreams. I have the goal to end up as self-sufficient as possible, and in turn, I have learned many things the hard way. So I wish to produce content that not only can make people smile but can help encourage others to enrich their lives with things they are passionate about.

I create How-to/DIY videos, Photographs, Art and lifestyle content across my platforms. If you wish to support me you can do so here or on patreon Become a patreon for as little as £5 a month and unlock patreon-exclusive content. Donate on LiberaPay You can also support me by subscribing or following my profiles. Liking, sharing and commenting on my posts. Youtube- IvyIsloBanwell Instagram - ivyislobanwell Twitch -

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IvyIsloBanwell si è iscritto/a 2 anni fa.

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