

Game dev & streaming

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What I do:

  • Streaming: I stream on Twitch multiple times per week. Streams include longplays of games, programming, and Archipelago multiworld sessions with friends.
  • Game development: I am an independent game developer, currently working on a unique style of match-three game called Bumper Stickers.
  • Radio show/podcast: I am a broadcaster on CKDU 88.1 FM Halifax. My show, Squarewave Symphony, touches on video games, weird and funny stuff, and nerd culture, with a sprinkle of chiptune-style music.

By contributing to my LiberaPay, you're helping me to build these things up as best as I can.

Profili collegati

KewlioMZX possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


Archipelabot Preferiti 0 Aggiornato 5 mesi fa

FlixelBumpStik Preferiti 3 Aggiornato 6 mesi fa

hxArchipelago Preferiti 6 Aggiornato 7 mesi fa

Haxe Archipelago Multiworld client library

archipelago-settings Preferiti 0 Aggiornato 1 anno fa

Creates .YAML settings files to be used with Archipelago Multiworld

hxTwitch Preferiti 3 Aggiornato 2 anni fa

Twitch API, chat, and PubSub client for Haxe

meritous-ap (ramo) Preferiti 0 Aggiornato 3 settimane fa

Lancer-X's procedurally-generated dungeon crawler, modified for Archipelago Multiworld


KewlioMZX si è iscritto/a 2 anni fa.

Guadagni settimanali (in dollaro canadese)

Numero di donatori ogni settimana