
Support my work creating content for the WEB&Tech curious ones

L'obiettivo di Mali_Vir-Eddy è quello di ricevere 50,00 € a settimana.
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Support my work making content to encourage curious ones about WEB&Tech trends, above and beyond.

I go live streaming shearing my knowledge to provide hopefully useful insights on following subjects and topics: - personal computers (system maintenance & repairs), - coding (HTML, CSS, PHP, Js.. . ), - digital illustration, - doing business online, publishing, - website and content monetization, - game dev. using Godot game engine, - audio production and mixing, - experimenting with video production and editing software, - into gaming (old skul and contemporary), - WEB3 and crypto curiously enthusiastic, - hardware and networks savvy, - DIY electronics.. .

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Mali_Vir-Eddy si è iscritto/a 3 mesi fa.

Guadagni settimanali (in euro)

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