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I write about free technologies ¡and bread! in my blog in Spanish. I'm the author of Unconventional LaTeX, a different way to learn LaTeX (currently in Spanish but in the way of traslation), and Ogibero, where I share my own sourdough bread recipes in Basque.

Everything I write carries a free license as I believe knowledge belongs to one and every of us.

One day I'll create an technological athenaeum and will give back engineering to people.

Profili collegati

Ondiz possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


cursoLatex Preferiti 68 Aggiornato 3 anni fa

Un curso no convencional de Latex

ogibero Preferiti 1 Aggiornato 7 anni fa

Ogibero ore amaz altxatutako ogien errezetak partekatzeko web orri bat da


Ondiz si è iscritto/a 7 anni fa.

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