

is one of the best Linux icon themes

Papirus riceve 0,00 USD a settimana da 0 donatori.
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Hello, fellow Linux enthusiasts! Your support brings Papirus projects to life. By joining us on Liberapay, you're helping shape the future of this Linux icon theme and others of our projects.

Let's keep the creative fire burning! 🔥


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Profili collegati

Papirus possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


papirus-icon-theme Preferiti 6585 Aggiornato 1 settimana fa

Pixel perfect icon theme for Linux

firefox-papirus-icon-theme Preferiti 15 Aggiornato 5 mesi fa

Papirus icons for Firefox

materia-kde Preferiti 624 Aggiornato 6 mesi fa

Materia KDE customization

papirus-folders Preferiti 621 Aggiornato 9 mesi fa

a script that lets you change the colors of folders in Papirus icon theme


Papirus si è iscritto/a 1 anno fa.

Guadagni settimanali (in dollaro statunitense)

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