
Rabbit Company

Passky is modern, secure, open source and light weight passwords manager

RabbitCompany riceve 0,00 USD a settimana da 0 donatori.
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We have created this organization to help individuals and companies reduce cost by switching to open source projects and also make their workflow faster than ever before.

Currently we are focused on a project called Passky which is modern, secure, open source and light weight passwords manager.

As we spend so much love and time on providing you with free and open source software, donations would help us a lot.

Profili collegati

RabbitCompany possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


RabbitCompany si è iscritto/a 3 anni fa.

Guadagni settimanali (in dollaro statunitense)

Numero di donatori ogni settimana