

I am exploring physics teaching methods through Minecraft

L'obiettivo di Radiohacktive è quello di ricevere 1,20 USD a settimana.
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I am experimenting with Minecraft-based education by creating interactive tutorials and investigation mods pertaining to physics, particularly involving nuclear and environmental science. This is partly achieved through Python scripts to generate function files which are then loaded into the Minecraft world. The stream can include segments of Minecraft play, documentation, and scripting.

You can check out results, along with my other radiological physics research and news at

My primary goal is to cover my operating costs:

  • $18.50 - domain renewal
  • $44.03 - powering the network ($0.1396/kWh)*(3*0.006kW+0.018kW)*(24*365h)

This comes to $62.53 annually, or $1.20 weekly.

Profili collegati

Radiohacktive possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


Radiohacktive si è iscritto/a 3 anni fa.

Guadagni settimanali (in dollaro statunitense)

Numero di donatori ogni settimana