
Damir Shaikhutdinov

I work on free software in Rust, and would like to afford spending more time on that.

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Since 2004, I develop software for embedded Linux, mostly in C.

I've designed and developed complex software for industrial control systems, with hard and soft real-time and functional safety requirements (IEC 61508).

It annoys me to see how much efforts need to be spent to reach a certain level of software quality suitable for use in mission-critical systems and how hard is to maintain it.

It annoys me even more, that all that software quality infrastructure is usually closed-source, and other projects can't benefit from it.

I want to invest my time to contribute to the open source software community in form of developing the functional safety-oriented software or documenting the best practices.

In my opinion, Rust language has the best existing infrastructure for building quality-oriented software, so I plan to contribute to Rust crate ecosystem by creating new crates or helping improving existing ones.

Profili collegati

ShayDamir possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


spmc_queue Preferiti 1 Aggiornato 4 anni fa

Single Producer Multiple Consumer Lock-free Bound Owning queue written in Rust


ShayDamir si è iscritto/a 4 anni fa.

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