

Developer, VFX Artist and Linux Enthusiast / Educator.

TheMaize ha 0 donatori.


Hi I'm Maize, I have a love for all things software and VFX. With this passion, I work to build software and tools for artists and users. This is not limited to VFX. I build tools for animators, programs for regular users of Linux, and I also make Indie games. I have a degree, and a passion to bring new things to the table using the skills I have acquired over 20+ years. I also love to teach and help others in learning technology, art and Linux.

Thanks for stopping by.

Profili collegati

TheMaize possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


uvfx Preferiti 2 Aggiornato 1 mese fa

Scripts to help with ubuntu as a vfx / gamedev / animation / rendering / pipeline / film environment. Giving the general toolset you need for a complete easy run.

tweenMachine (ramo) Preferiti 22 Aggiornato 6 mesi fa

The easiest way to create break down poses in Maya.


TheMaize si è iscritto/a 2 mesi fa.

TheMaize non rende pubblico quanto denaro riceve tramite Liberapay.