
The Potabi Foundation

The Potabi Foundation is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving technology

L'obiettivo di ThePotabiFoundation è quello di ricevere 250,00 USD a settimana.
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The Potabi Foundation is a not-for-profit organization based in Colorado Springs, CO. The Potabi Foundation – also doing business as “TPF” – is using technology to improve software, media, and education. The goal of the foundation is written in its tagline “Using technology for good”. Too often is it seen where corporations abuse Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy agreements, copyrights, etc. The goal of The Potabi Foundation is to provide better, open, fair licensing, funding, and protections for companies, people, organizations, projects, and more.


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ThePotabiFoundation si è iscritto/a 3 anni fa.

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