
Rogue Theory

Creating Quality Youtube Videos

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My name is Rogue Theory, and I create content on my youtube channel. My channel is heavily focused on the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game, which is one of my hobbies, but I plan to branch out into other forms of content soon. As of now I make discussions on the competitive metagame, interview other Yugioh content creators, and produce videos on "Rogue" ideas and playstyles while informing the audience of the source material. I'm currently attending university and I work full-time to afford my rent. In spite of this, I still want to make more content and I don't want to slow down. I'd love to supplement some of my hours working in favor of creating new videos, so I can provide higher quality content that other YouTubers aren't producing all while still having a roof over my head.

This NON-CORPORATE & NON-PROFIT platform is just the place to do that, as it won't charge tax on your donations and won't take fees intended for me for themselves. Thanks for all the support!

Supporting: Better Equipment For The Channel Monthly Expenses (Adobe, Wi-Fi, Groceries, etc) Future Projects That Require Artist Commissions And More!

Profili collegati

Theory_Rogue possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


Theory_Rogue si è iscritto/a 4 anni fa.

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