

I am student, just trying to learn java & kotlin

WirelessAlien riceve 0,13 USD a settimana da 1 donatore.
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I am a student. Trying to learn Android app development. If you love my open-source work and have money, you can support me. I promise that your money will not go to waste 🤗.

Profili collegati

WirelessAlien possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


ZipXtract Preferiti 355 Aggiornato 1 mese fa

A fully open source app to extract rar, zip, tar, bz2, gz, 7z, xz, jar and z etc (encrypted .zip & .7z supported)

BhagavadGitaApp Preferiti 54 Aggiornato 3 mesi fa

A Simple Open-source Android App for Bhagavad Gita


WirelessAlien si è iscritto/a 1 anno fa.

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