
Wo ist Markt?

A map visualization of periodic markets in different cities.

Wo-ist-Markt riceve 0,00 € a settimana da 0 donatori.
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Wo ist Markt? aims at providing an easy to use website for market information. Visitors of the website should be able to intuitively get answers to the following questions:

  • Where does a market take place?
  • When does a market take place?

Therefore, the website shows the position of markets as markers on a map. Each marker can be clicked or tapped to reveal the detail information associated with this market - most important, the opening hours.

Visit the website here:


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Profili collegati

Wo-ist-Markt possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:

Repository Preferiti 83 Aggiornato questa settimana

A map visualization of periodic markets in different cities.

wo-ist-markt-berlin-update-reminder Preferiti 0 Aggiornato 3 settimane fa

Script which checks if Berlin updated its data

wo-ist-markt-media Preferiti 0 Aggiornato 7 anni fa

Working files and design assets


Wo-ist-Markt si è iscritto/a 3 anni fa.

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