

I make open-source software which is free for all to use and you can help me continue doing this.

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I make open-source software which is free for all to use, mostly without any restrictions. Donating any amount you can keeps me motivated to work on and improve software that might be integral to you, and makes sure I continue doing so in the future.

I do open-source programming merely due to my love for it and the culture that surrounds it. Hence, money is not the main factor, but it sure does help.

If you cannot support my projects financially, there are more ways to help out as well. These include contributing to the code itself, providing translations, spreading the word, etc.

Profili collegati

aman_harwara possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


altus Preferiti 435 Aggiornato 2 settimane fa

Desktop client for WhatsApp Web with themes, notifications and multiple account support


aman_harwara si è iscritto/a 4 anni fa.

Guadagni settimanali (in rupia indiana)

Numero di donatori ogni settimana