
Andrew Geo

FLOSS enthusiast, a gamedev in the making and a human being.

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Alduce me to introlow myself! My name J̶e̶f̶f̶, is Andrew. I've been mostly interested in Game Development 👨🏿‍💻 and FLOSSoftware 🆓. Currently contributing to GNU projects as a translator 🌐- that's as far as my technical skills go.

I strongly believe that the best genre in most mediums for describing the human condition is Psychological Horror, where the audience sympathize with the characters and get sensitized to the story and the topics raised. Hopefully, that's what I'm aspiring to do. So, wish me luck both of you people and fear or guilt manifestations!

Kobaïa Iss Dëh Hündïn! 🌌❤️

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andrewgeo si è iscritto/a 2 anni fa.

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