
Iván Ávalos

I contribute to free software

avalos riceve 0,00 USD a settimana da 0 donatori.
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I (kinda) contribute to free software. I could upgrade my computer with the money, buy software and hardware, pay cloud infrastructure, services and personal expenses, as well as some self-rewards to keep me motivated to do more projects that could benefit a lot of people… I really need motivation!

Profili collegati

avalos possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


yournal-ios Preferiti 3 Aggiornato 1 mese fa

Minimalist diary application for iOS. Based on Firebase.

vs-memes Preferiti 3 Aggiornato 3 anni fa

VS Code extension that shows funny programming memes each five minutes.

linkbucket-go Preferiti 17 Aggiornato 4 anni fa

This project has been moved permanently to: https://fossil.avalos.me/linkbucket-go

ColourFlow-iOS Preferiti 1 Aggiornato 4 anni fa

This is a simple (and colourful) app to enjoy and relax.

yournal-android Preferiti 2 Aggiornato 4 anni fa

Minimalist diary application for Android. Based on Firebase.

yournal-website Preferiti 1 Aggiornato 4 anni fa

This repository has been permanently moved to Fossil.

font-viewer Preferiti 0 Aggiornato 5 anni fa

Repository has been migrated to Fossil.

modern-template Preferiti 0 Aggiornato 5 anni fa

Beautiful HTML template made with Bootstrap CSS.

ColourFlow-web Preferiti 0 Aggiornato 5 anni fa

This is a simple (and colourful) app to enjoy and relax – for the web.

random-btg Preferiti 5 Aggiornato 5 anni fa

Want some beautiful trees? Generate some random trees now!

api-documenter Preferiti 0 Aggiornato 5 anni fa

Python script that allows you to generate HTML docs from JSON.

linkbucket Preferiti 0 Aggiornato 5 anni fa

Linkbucket is the free and open-source alternative to Pocket.

rekonq Preferiti 14 Aggiornato 5 anni fa

Strategy game in which you shall conquer to win.

xmas-mode Preferiti 0 Aggiornato 5 anni fa

This project consists on an automatized Christmas tree (using an ESP8266).

n4a Preferiti 0 Aggiornato 6 anni fa

Customizable random name generator built on Python

magic-car Preferiti 0 Aggiornato 6 anni fa

Magic Car is a WiFi based car via TCP-IP sockets. For this project was used the NodeMCU v1.0 board (including ESP8266).

gorm-paginator (ramo) Preferiti 1 Aggiornato 2 anni fa

gorm pagination extension

android-launcher (ramo) Preferiti 0 Aggiornato 5 anni fa

recycler-view launcher with list of applications installed on your android device


avalos si è iscritto/a 4 anni fa.

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