
Alex Hall

Prolific creation from a random muse

earthbound ha 0 donatori.


My muses (or the things I like to create) can vary widely, but generally they fall in the domains of abstract art, generative art (made via creative coding: code+art), fiction, and silly songs.

I dedicate a lot of my work to the Public Domain or via open licenses, including code that generates art, and code that helps generate art. When I am better supported, I am able to donate more.

You can see my work at my art blog, and the social media outposts linked therefrom.

I'm most grateful for your patronage.

Profili collegati

earthbound possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


_ebDev Preferiti 2 Aggiornato questa settimana

Various tools, mostly custom-made for art development.

autobrood Preferiti 2 Aggiornato 2 anni fa

Scripts to generate, mass crossbreed, select and render fractal flames (e.g. "Electric Sheep").

_ebPathMan Preferiti 0 Aggiornato 2 anni fa

Toolset to simplify Windows and nix' PATH management

electric_sheep_genomes Preferiti 3 Aggiornato 3 anni fa

Backups of genomes from various generations of Scott Draves' Electric Sheep evolved art

_ebScreenplays Preferiti 0 Aggiornato 4 anni fa

Original screenplays in fountain format, by yours truly or by others

rnd_txt_art Preferiti 0 Aggiornato 4 anni fa

Public Domain random text art ▅▉▜▅▅▏▜▅▉▜■▉ collection

filterForgeBatchWrapper Preferiti 7 Aggiornato 4 anni fa

Wraps Filter Forge's command line tool (FFXCmdRenderer-x86.exe at this writing), to make it simpler to render many image files from a folder in one go (batch), with any variety of applied filters.

neoplasticism-generators-collection Preferiti 0 Aggiornato 4 anni fa

Collected neoplasticism (Piet Mondrian-style) art generators (with my changes to some or all of them).

sketchupOrganizeMaterials Preferiti 0 Aggiornato 6 anni fa

Ruby script that organizes sketchup geometry by material

markov-php (ramo) Preferiti 0 Aggiornato 8 anni fa

fork of hay/markov PHP Markov chain text generator to add International Art English gibberish


earthbound si è iscritto/a 4 anni fa.

Guadagni settimanali (in dollaro statunitense)

Numero di donatori ogni settimana