
François Best

I've built open-source software for 12 years, and I plan on doing this full-time in 2021 onwards.

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I'm a full-stack developer from France, I've been building open-source software for the last 12 years, and I plan on doing this full-time in 2021 onwards.

I write TypeScript libraries for privacy-first, secure and accessible web apps, and publish what I learn on my blog.

My core values and beliefs are: - Transparency : build in the open, with open-source tech, for the open-source community - Privacy : nobody should benefit from selling personal data - The web should remain open : nobody should own or monopolize it, it belongs to us all

In 2020, my most successful project, the Arduino MIDI Library, reached 800 stars and generated a lot of engagement: people are constantly asking me for advice on how to build synths, MIDI controllers and other musical instruments. I decided to open the project to external maintainers to give me a hand, and the collaboration has been a great success.

Profili collegati

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francoisbest si è iscritto/a 4 anni fa.

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