

Contribute to the project, make your microdonation

freefy-team riceve 0,00 € a settimana da 0 donatori.
Dona ora   Carta di credito Addebito diretto PayPal


Freefy is a totally free service but being able to offer it entails monthly expenses. A good way to thank us for our work, time and money invested would be to invite us to a coffee or a beer and thus encourage us to maintain the project as much as possible.

In the event that you make your small contribution, thank you very much.

To make these micro-donations you can use one of the following platforms.


Visualizza le quote dei guadagni


freefy-team si è iscritto/a 4 anni fa.

Guadagni settimanali (in euro)

Numero di donatori ogni settimana