

I'm an admin, hobby dev and advocate. I make things and try to help people.

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Hello there! Welcome to my page. I'm Haui, an autistic sysadmin and hobby dev from germany.

I strive to educate and help people by making things that help them for me. So far I have set up multiple fediverse instances, created communities and built bots.

If you want to see my work so far, you can check them out here

I dont make any profit from this and any money received will go to buying equipment, donating to upstream projects and maybe food/rent, if it ever comes to this.

Thank you for reading and considering to donate. Have a nice day.

Profili collegati

haui111 possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:

Beneficiari   Esporta come CSV

haui111 dona pubblicamente ad un creatore.

1,00 €/settimana


haui111 si è iscritto/a 3 mesi fa.

Guadagni settimanali (in euro)

Numero di donatori ogni settimana