
Henry Fellerhoff

A software engineer and musician making open source software

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I'm Henry Fellerhoff, a software engineer passionate about technology and music. These are some of the open source projects I've worked on and continue to maintain:

Open IPA: a real-time foreign language to IPA transcription tool

Serial: an RSS reader for YouTube for being more intentional about what you watch

Tone Sandbox: a collection of interesting, useful, or fun musical experiences.

Listen Together: a synchronous music listening platform

If you want to learn more about me, you can visit my website at

If you could, I'd love it if you could support me by buying me a coffee. This helps me continue having the time and resources to devote more time to these projects. Thanks so much!

Profili collegati

henryfellerhoff possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


tonesandbox Preferiti 4 Aggiornato 9 mesi fa

An open-source collection of interesting, useful, or fun musical experiences.

openipa Preferiti 26 Aggiornato 1 anno fa

Free, informative IPA transcription for Lyric Diction. Transcribes in realtime and gives useful feedback.

listentogether Preferiti 40 Aggiornato 1 anno fa

Listen to Spotify synchronously with your friends. Queue songs, control playback, and chat in real time.

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henryfellerhoff dona pubblicamente ad un creatore.

0,38 A$/settimana


henryfellerhoff si è iscritto/a 3 mesi fa.

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