
Diego Esaa

FOSS is best and it's important we all help out

hyperak ha 0 donatori.


I believe that if we all come together and give FOSS projects more use, maintenance and attention than proprietary programs and services, they will develop to be better than the proprietary equivalent. A mentality of "I don't use this FOSS program N because of A, B and C" is very wrong! Just by using a program you are helping it grow. So use the FOSS program! Because again, in the long run, it will turn out to treat its community better and be feature-richer.

There are many Earth Minecraft servers out there. But all of them run on the official server. They won't run Cuberite because it doesn't support the latest version of the game, because of the subpar AI, etc. So I have decided that if I start a Cuberite server and it becomes popular, it will make the project bigger. It will attract more people, developers; and in the big order of things, will ever so slightly help a complete clean-room implementation of Minecraft exist, both on the server and client.

Because many of those servers have various plugins that make them what they are, I will show that Cuberite can stand up to those servers and even bring a slight edge over them. I am making a plugin called EarthTweaks, which will improve the experience with the Earth map, by bringing commands to let you know where you are in the real world, real weather, and even climate phenomenons such as Catatumbo lightning.

The server already exists, by the way. It just so happens that I have a terrible Internet connection so it basically doesn't run at all. I might move the server to an office. And if that doesn't work out, well, I'll have to find out some way to pay a Digital Ocean instance and run Gamocosm on it.

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