

Unbridled Artist based in the Norwegian mountains

lindaursin ha 0 donatori.


My art is more than pictures. It can acts as a visual anchor to help inspire, kick start, support, and guide you towards the life you most desire.

I let my intuition guide my choices of subject matter and materials. My work often symbolizes my collectors’ deeper levels. Their spirituality, ideal location, spirit animals. It can also represent a symbol you connect with.

My imagery is often inspired by mythology, folklore, and the Norwegian landscape.

I'm a multi-passionate so I create art in many ways. For my drawings, I mostly use pencil and coloured pencil. For my paintings, I use water media such as acrylics and watercolour.

I hope you will support my art here. If you'd like to get to know me, use one of the links below to get in touch.

Profili collegati

lindaursin possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


lindaursin si è iscritto/a 6 anni fa.

Guadagni settimanali (in dollaro statunitense)

Numero di donatori ogni settimana