
Lothrop Gauss

Lothrop is writing CrackTunes, an open source Discord music bot in Rust.

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Crack Tunes is a hassle-free, highly performant, host-it-yourself Discord music bot with YouTube and Spotify support. Powered by yt-dlp and Crack Rust Code.

Currently we at Cycle Five are working full time jobs on top of building Crack Tunes and doing all the marketing and support and etc. We don't ask something for nothing though, supporting the bot will get you access to newer builds, better audio quality, and more advanced features.

We believe in the superiority of Rust, our DoC (Domain of Choice), and the free exchange of ideas and information. Therefor the main body of code for Crack Tunes is released under the MIT License and can be found on our SourceHut or our GitHub

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cracktunes Preferiti 4 Aggiornato questa settimana

A hassle-free, highly performant, host-it-yourself Discord music bot with YouTube and Spotify support. Powered by yt-dlp and cracking.


lothrop si è iscritto/a 2 mesi fa.

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