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Lost job (last year 2020/03) (2020/06) I don't understand, but now after report to the police - Human trade victim I was and stuck In Germany, I get "Roofs on my head". - a stranger saved me. Money I have, but its not enough to buy food (normal) (no Junk - streetfood) I will be grateful for your help 🙂 All what you do, always come back you - Karma ( here in Germany - system (by laws) don't support me at the moment, everything's goes slow)

Soory for my English, but at least I try, no Google or other translation tools used.

Thank you. Edgar's S.

Through this link can directly 1€ https://tinyurl.com/y822dysu


nezinaams21 si è iscritto/a 4 anni fa.

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