
Esther Payne

Talking about Privacy and how stories can help others care about Privacy.

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We have a problem explaining Privacy in this world or why people should care about this. Much like explaining Free and Open Source software to people, it will take community and heart to spread the word. To help people to care about Privacy and a less centralised internet.

I aim to help people to start to care by pointing them at popular culture and giving further context. I also aim to help others to use their own culture to help them to do the same as well.

I have already presented this at conferences like Hope2020 and Linux Conf Au. The playlist starts there. But you can also follow me on Peertube at

My website is at

I recently wrote Consent and the Fediverse where I have some thoughts on the Anti Meta/Threads fedipact.

I'm also the Community and Privacy Advocate at Librecast a small project that's aiming to help to decentralise the web by leveraging IPv6 multicast.

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