

We aim to create a sustainable, free, Open Source code hosting service.

L'obiettivo di opengit è quello di ricevere 500,00 € a settimana.
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OpenGit is a non-profit, based in The Netherlands, dedicated to building, maintaining and supporting infrastructure for the creation, collection, dissemination, and of Free and Open Source Software.

We aim to create a sustainable, free, Open Source code hosting service. The idea is to do this using all Open Source software while being sustainable. We have very limited funds right now and will be looking for donors and sponsors to sustain this platform.

Look to our site at for more details and updates.


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opengit possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


opengit si è iscritto/a 1 mese fa.

Guadagni settimanali (in euro)

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