
Robert Winkler

Writing Open Source Software

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I'm Robert Winkler. I write free open source software that I make available via Github and bitbucket.

My most noteworthy project to date is PortableGL, a software implementation of OpenGL 3.x (with a few differences) in clean C.

After that CVector, sdl_img, and C_Interpreter are my most starred and most useful/interesting projects.

I will expand this bio at some point, but you can learn more about me and my projects at my website

Profili collegati

rswinkle possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


PortableGL Preferiti 925 Aggiornato questa settimana

An implementation of OpenGL 3.x-ish in clean C

sdl_img Preferiti 10 Aggiornato 3 settimane fa

A simple image viewer based on SDL2 and stb_image

opengl_reference Preferiti 2 Aggiornato 2 mesi fa

Collection of modern OpenGL programs for reference and frameworks

CVector Preferiti 16 Aggiornato 8 mesi fa

A C vector library similar to the C++ STL vector

C_Interpreter Preferiti 25 Aggiornato 1 anno fa

Aims to be interpreted C written in C.

inventwithpython_pysdl2 Preferiti 4 Aggiornato 4 anni fa

Porting all the code/games from Al Sweigart's pygame book to use PySDL2


rswinkle si è iscritto/a 6 anni fa.

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