
René Wagner

open source software & hosting

rwa riceve 0,25 € a settimana da 1 donatore. Obiettivo: 5,00 €
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I run the (to my knowledge) biggest Gemini search engine gemini://geminispace.info for over 2 years now. geminispace.info runs on a VPS hosted at a german provider which accounts for 6€/month (as of October 2023).

Gemini clients

I'm also involved in the Gemini community and maintain e.g. cgmnlm, a Gemini line-mode client or contribute smaller or larger patches to other projects related to gemini like astro.

Open source projects

My own open source projects as well as forks of various popular projects can be found on my sourcehut profile or alternatively on my on git page.

Project "fotowolke.net"

With fotowolke.net I'm offering an advertising & tracking free image host/photo community: https://fotowolke.net


Friendica instance scl.clttr.info

scl.clttr.info is a Friendica instance i run for more then 2 years now. It is part of the Fediverse, which means it can interact with most other ActivityPub-powered communities like Mastodon, Misskey or Pixelfed.

GoToSocial instance clttr.it

The newest addition to my portfolio is clttr.it, a GoToSocial instance that is part of the Fediverse as well.

AUR Maintainer

As a long term ArchLinux user I maintain some packages in the AUR.

Profili collegati

rwa possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:

Donatori   Esporta come CSV

rwa ha 1 donatore pubblico.

Vedat Hallac
2,30 USD/settimana

Beneficiari   Esporta come CSV

rwa dona pubblicamente a 3 creatori.

0,46 €/settimana
1,00 €/settimana
0,46 €/settimana


rwa si è iscritto/a 4 anni fa.

Guadagni settimanali (in euro)

Numero di donatori ogni settimana