
Subin Siby

I'm a software developer. I make & work on Free & Open Source Softwares

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I've been working on free and open source software since I was 13. I'm a college student now and using my free time to maintain my projects as well as make new stuff ! I also contribute to many FOSS projects: WebTorrent, Indic Keyboard, Wikipedia, OpenStreetMap etc. See my GitHub & GitLab for more.

Check out my projects.

Profili collegati

subins2000 possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


p2pt Preferiti 518 Aggiornato 3 mesi fa

Simple WebRTC Peer 2 Peer connections using WebTorrent trackers as the signalling server. Use WebTorrent trackers for any kind of WebRTC app ! 🔥 Make WebRTC apps fast & easy ! 🚀⭐

WebDrop Preferiti 267 Aggiornato 6 mesi fa

Easiest group P2P File & Message transfer in browser with WebRTC 🔥. Cross-platform alternative to Apple's AirDrop, Xender, ShareIT with the same speed over LAN. No installation, just a website :)

SelfieADay Preferiti 12 Aggiornato 2 anni fa

Tools for managing selfie a day hobby project

search Preferiti 185 Aggiornato 2 anni fa

An Open Source Search Engine

dots Preferiti 62 Aggiornato 2 anni fa

P2P Dots & Boxes game with WebRTC & WebTorrent

manglish Preferiti 33 Aggiornato 3 anni fa

A malayalam to manglish converter Android app

logSys Preferiti 81 Aggiornato 4 anni fa

PHP Secure, Advanced Login System

open Preferiti 41 Aggiornato 4 anni fa

An Open Source Social Network

CryptoDonate Preferiti 11 Aggiornato 6 anni fa

Donation button for cryptocurrencies

profile-picture-framer Preferiti 14 Aggiornato 7 anni fa

A profile picture framer web app


subins2000 si è iscritto/a 5 anni fa.

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