
Travis Athougies

I'm creating Haskell libraries for the real world

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Hi! My name is Travis Athougies and I'm the author and maintainer of beam, an open-source Haskell library and EDSL for database access.

I work on beam because I find it fun, but many companies use it commercially. That's great, and I wish you all the success! As the beam user base has grown, so too have its demands on my time. I am a husband and father and work a full-time job, so my time is already stretched as is. Nevertheless, I would love to be able to continue working on beam, adding new features, writing new documentation, and fixing bugs. Your contribution enables me to do that.

Profili collegati

tathougies possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


extsort Preferiti 2 Aggiornato 3 anni fa

External sorting in Haskell

beam-mysql Preferiti 10 Aggiornato 5 anni fa

Beam MySQL compatibility layer


tathougies si è iscritto/a 5 anni fa.

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