
Julien Veyssier

I develop community Nextcloud apps

eneiluj riceve 4,61 € a settimana da 13 donatori.
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I'm the main developer of Cospend, GpxPod and PhoneTrack.

https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/cospend https://gitlab.com/eneiluj/moneybuster https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/gpxpod https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/phonetrack https://gitlab.com/eneiluj/phonetrack-android

Profili collegati

eneiluj possiede i seguenti profili su altre piattaforme:


moneybuster Preferiti 76 Aggiornato questa settimana

Android client for Nextcloud Cospend and IHateMoney shared budget management systems

phonetrack-android Preferiti 95 Aggiornato 2 settimane fa

Android app to log locations to PhoneTrack Nextcloud app.

phonetrack-oc Preferiti 174 Aggiornato 1 mese fa

The new repository is there: https://github.com/julien-nc/phonetrack

gpxpod-oc Preferiti 43 Aggiornato 2 anni fa

!!!! MOVED TO GITHUB !!!! This project has been moved to https://github.com/eneiluj/gpxpod . Not because I like GitHub but all the Nextcloud ecosystem and tools are there. Nextcloud app to view gpx tracks stored in Files app

cospend-nc Preferiti 190 Aggiornato 1 settimana fa

💰 💲hared budget manager Nextcloud app


eneiluj si è iscritto/a 5 anni fa.

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