
Juan Pablo Ugarte

Creating Cambalache UI Maker, a new RAD tool for GTK 4 and 3

xjuan ha 2 donatori.
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Hi my name is Juan Pablo I been one of Glade developers since 2005 and maintainer since 2012. I am developing a new RAD tool called Cambalache that enables the creation of user interfaces for Gtk 4 and the GNOME desktop environment.

The application main focus is Gtk 4 support but it has been designed from the ground up to support other versions like Gtk 3.

It is currently under development on my free time and I need your help as a patron to help me secure a fix amount of time to work on it.

This will ensure I can finish support for all Gtk features, improve usability, support custom libraries, GResource, GMenuModel and fix bugs in a timely manner.

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xjuan ha 1 donatore pubblico.


xjuan si è iscritto/a 3 anni fa.

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